Top "Jquery-select2" questions

Select2 is a jQuery-based replacement for select boxes.

Select2 limit number of tags

Is there a way to limit the number of tags a user can add to an input field using Select2? …

javascript jquery tags jquery-select2
jquery select2 - not working

I am using select2 plugin( I am trying to display a dropdown(select). It is getting …

jquery ajax jquery-select2
What are the differences between Chosen and Select2?

Chosen and Select2 are the two more popular libraries for extending selectboxes. Both seem to be actively maintained, Chosen is …

javascript jquery-chosen jquery-select2
Select2: how to set data after init?

I need to set an array of data after initializing select2. So I want to make something like this: var …

javascript jquery jquery-select2
Get custom data-attribute in select2 with <select>

Let's assume you have the following HTML5 <select id="example"> <option value="AA" data-id="143">AA</…

html jquery-select2 custom-data-attribute
Select2 performance for large set of items

I'm using select2 jquery plugin with twitter bootstrap. It's working fine for smaller number of items. But when the list …

jquery jquery-select2
Select2 Ajax Method Not Selecting

Ok, I'm sure there's something simple set wrong here but I'm not 100% what it is. So I am trying to …

javascript jquery ajax jquery-select2 jquery-select2-3
How to allow user to select empty string on Select2

The texbox is dynamically filled with a remote call using Select2 and I want to allow users to leave the …

jquery jquery-select2
Select2 deselect all values

I want to deselect all values with one click without using each id seperately. I fiddled around for a while, …

javascript jquery html selection jquery-select2
Initialising select2 created dynamically

I have a select2 drop-down for which I provide a matcher function. It is initialised like this on initial page …

jquery jquery-select2