Top "Jquery-select2-4" questions

Select2 4.0 was released in April 2015 and is a complete rewrite of the Select2 code base.

jquery select2 (4.0) ajax with templateResult and templateSelection

My Select2 was working on 3.5 correctly.. Since upgrading to v4.0 (not "full" - and changing keywords/functions as needed), I …

javascript jquery ajax jquery-select2 jquery-select2-4
How to enable infinite scrolling in select2 4.0 without ajax

I am using select2 with custom data adapter. All of the data provided to select2 is generated locally in web …

javascript jquery jquery-select2 jquery-select2-4
How do I display the selected tags in Select2 below the dropdown box?

I am using Select2 (version 4) with tags and would like to have the selected choices display below the input field. …

jquery html css jquery-select2-4
Select2 4 custom data adapter

I am trying to create a custom data adapter according to an example here:…

javascript jquery-select2-4
Select2.js v4.0: how set the default selected value with a local array data source?

By using select2.js v4 plugin , how set the default selected value when I use a local array data for …

javascript jquery jquery-select2 jquery-select2-4
How to disable creating new tags with select2 v4.0?

I've been trying out the new Select2 v4.0 which has a lot of improvements. I'm mainly interested in the tags …

jquery jquery-select2-4
Select2 open dropdown on focus text input

I have a form with one text input and one select2 element (Version 4.0.0). I want when focus on text input, …

jquery jquery-plugins jquery-select2-4
select2 load data using ajax cannot select any option

I have the following code (javascript): $('#cbxConnections').select2({ minimumInputLength: 0, multiple: false, allowClear: true, placeholder:{ text:"@Diccionario.Connections", id:" @Diccionario.…

javascript jquery ajax jquery-select2 jquery-select2-4
Select2 4.0.0 AJAX - Choose highlighted option with Tab

I'm fetching user IDs and names via AJAX and using Select2 to search through them, but my users have requested …

jquery ajax preventdefault jquery-select2-4
Select2 dropdown doesn't close on click

I'm using Select2 (v4) in a multiple select form and having difficulty getting the dropdown close functionality I need. I …

javascript jquery ios jquery-select2 jquery-select2-4