AJAX Form Submission in jQuery Mobile

Gerard picture Gerard · Nov 4, 2011 · Viewed 15.3k times · Source

I'm trying to submit a simple login form via ajax on a jQuery Mobile site but I'm having trouble.

It seems that when I submit the form (via POST), the form parameters are getting added to the url. Not only that, they erase the anchored page I was at before form submission.

For example, I'm on page localhost:8080/myapp/#sign_up

Then I submit the form causing the url to become: localhost:8080/myapp/[email protected]&pass=pass

So if I hit validation errors and click a 'back' button, I don't get returned back to the #sign_up page.

Any ideas?


Jasper picture Jasper · Nov 4, 2011

If you handle form submission with a custom submit event handler you can handle validation on the same page:

//bind an event handler to the submit event for your login form
$(document).on('submit', '#form_id', function (e) {

    //cache the form element for use in this function
    var $this = $(this);

    //prevent the default submission of the form

    //run an AJAX post request to your server-side script, $this.serialize() is the data from your form being added to the request
    $.post($this.attr('action'), $this.serialize(), function (responseData) {

        //in here you can analyze the output from your server-side script (responseData) and validate the user's login without leaving the page

To stop jQuery Mobile from running its own AJAX sumbission of your form put this on your form tag:

<form data-ajax="false" action="...">