Top "Jquery-isotope" questions

Isotope is a client-side jQuery plugin that allows masonry-style grid and table layouts, along with data sorting and filtering, to enable dynamic relayout of elements on a page.

jquery Isotope option for auto height on element

So I'm using the isotope masonrylayout $('section').isotope({itemSelector:'article',layoutMode:'masonry',transformsEnabled: false, animationEngine: 'jquery',masonry:{columnWidth:8}}); The problem …

jquery jquery-plugins jquery-isotope
Lazy Load + Isotope

I've spent considerable amount of time trying to get isotope and lazy loading working together. The issue: lazy loading works …

lazy-loading jquery-isotope
jQuery isotope centering

Possible Duplicate: How to center DIV in DIV? Please take a look at the image below: How can I make …

jquery centering jquery-isotope
jquery isotope plugin container height will not grow with isotope-item (same with masonry)

I have an isotope-item that will grow in height when somebody comments inside of it. When it grows, how do …

javascript jquery html jquery-masonry jquery-isotope
Using Isotope with AngularJS (ng-repeat)

I'm trying to use angular to load div's to supply to isotope for layouting. For some reason, I can't use …

jquery angularjs jquery-isotope
Height issue in Chrome with jquery Isotope in responsive layout with Bootstrap 3

I'm using the Isotope plugin to filter my product listing. I also use Bootstrap 3 for the general layout, the page …

jquery twitter-bootstrap jquery-isotope
Isotope: reset all combination filters

I have an isotope combination filter setup with a number of data-filter-group's, each with a rest/show all list item: &…

jquery jquery-isotope
React.js and Isotope.js

I'm checking out React.js and trying to figure out how this library can work together with Isotope.js. The …

javascript jquery-isotope reactjs
Masonry with fixed width and height?

I want something like this the container box are fixed width and height box sizes are different, like 1 * 1 or 2 * 1 or 3 * 3 …

jquery algorithm jquery-masonry jquery-isotope
Cant get Isotope to work with AJAX (code samples)

I am trying to integrate isotope but Iam having problems getting it to work with ajax. Here's the code: <…

ajax jquery jquery-isotope