Top "Jquery-deferred" questions

jQuery's deferred (also known as promises and futures) can be used to manage callback queues

Web Workers vs Promises

In order to make a web app responsive you use asynchronous non-blocking requests. I can envision two ways of accomplishing …

javascript asynchronous promise jquery-deferred web-worker
jQuery when/then/fail with concurrent ajax requests: Which request failed?

Imagine a scenario where we want to do something after the concurrent requests for 'foo' and 'bar' have completed successfully, …

javascript jquery jquery-deferred
Chain of Jquery Promises

I have a simple chain of events: Get Columns from a metaData table (async) load selected columns (async) render list …

javascript jquery jquery-deferred promise jquery-chaining
jQuery deferred object with nested ajax calls

I have a situation in which my ajax calls must perform in a particular order. I have used jQuery Deferred …

javascript jquery jquery-deferred promise
Canceling a Deferred Promise in jQuery

How can I cancel a promise without removing the element from the DOM? fiddle I ran this code: $("#box") .delay(2000) .…

javascript jquery jquery-deferred promise
How to use jQuery Deferred with custom events?

I have two abstracted processes (e.g. managed within js objects using the revealing module pattern that do not expose …

javascript jquery jquery-1.5 jquery-deferred
jQuery: What is the difference between deferred.always() and deferred.then()?

Seems to me that both does the same thing. Docs: deferred.always() deferred.then()

javascript jquery jquery-deferred
jQuery .when troubleshooting with variable number of arguments

I'm having an issue with using jQuery.when() to wait for multiple ajax requests to finish before calling another function. …

jquery jquery-deferred
Understanding Deferred.pipe()

I've been reading about deferreds and promises in jQuery but I haven't used it yet. I've understood everything very well …

jquery jquery-deferred
jQuery Deferred: Rejecting a Promise from within a Done Filter

Fyi, I'm just starting to learn jQuery promises, so I may be a bit confused here. Anyway, I have an …

jquery jquery-deferred