Trying to use jquery-chosen with vue, the problem is that this plugin hides the actual select that I applied v-model
, so when I select a value vue doesn't recognize it as a select change event and model value is not updated.
The value of the select is being changed actually when I select something, I've inspected this with console.log to see the selected value.
I could do vm.$ = $('.cs-select').val()
, that seems to work,
But is there another option? If the value of the select was changed why vue doesn't see this?
@swift's answer got pretty close, but as @bertrand pointed out, it doesn't work for multiselects. I've worked something out that works with both cases:
I would have just commented but I don't have enough rep to do so.
Vue.directive('chosen', {
twoWay: true, // note the two-way binding
bind: function () {
inherit_select_classes: true,
width: '30%',
disable_search_threshold: 999
.change(function(ev) {
// two-way set
// Construct array of selected options
var i, len, option, ref;
var values = [];
ref = this.el.selectedOptions;
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
option = ref[i];
update: function(nv, ov) {
// note that we have to notify chosen about update
var vm = new Vue({
data: {
city: 'Toronto',
cities: [{text: 'Toronto', value: 'Toronto'},
{text: 'Orleans', value: 'Orleans'}]