I have created a custom button to Export to CSV inside of JQGrid, here is a bit of the code
content.AppendFormat(@"pager: $(""#{2}"") {1}).navGrid(""#{2}"", {0} edit: false, add: false, del: false {1})
{0} caption:""Export to CSV file "",
onClickButton: function () {0}
alert('Made it to Export to CSV ...');
</script>", "{", "}", pagerID, tableID);
return content.ToString().ToControl("div");
Problem is, I need all the data, not just the page that is render in the ui, so I want to use the built in funcationally of the search with all the parameters associated with it, but I also want to append '&oper=csv', I just don't know how to go about it. Should I do it using a custom button, or something else.
You can try to use excelExport
method of jqGrid from grid.import.js. Loot at http://www.trirand.net/documentation/php/_2v212tis2.htm and http://www.trirand.net/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=183. Probably it is whhat you are looking for.