PIL cannot write mode F to jpeg

JHHP picture JHHP · May 23, 2013 · Viewed 62.9k times · Source

I am taking a jpg image and using numpy's fft2 to create/save a new image. However it throws this error

"IOError: cannot write mode F as JPEG" 

Is there an issue with CMYK and JPEG files in PIL???

p = Image.open('kibera.jpg')
bw_p = p.convert('L')
array_p = numpy.asarray(bw_p)
fft_p = abs(numpy.fft.rfft2(array_p))
new_p = Image.fromarray(fft_p)


semente picture semente · Sep 18, 2013

Try convert the image to RGB:

new_p = Image.fromarray(fft_p)
if new_p.mode != 'RGB':
    new_p = new_p.convert('RGB')