Joomla displaying blank page after login after moving the installation from one server to another

perrohunter picture perrohunter · Jan 20, 2010 · Viewed 13k times · Source

I just moved my current office Joomla 1.5.8 instalation from the server(linux) to my local machines (winxp) so I can work locally and only upload the changes.

The thing is after downloading all the files and installing a backup of the remote DB on my local machine I found myself unable to login to the administrator panel, I can see the frontpage but not login :/

So far, I have googled alot this problem, but most people seem to be experiencing this problem while upgrading from joomla 1.0

To make sure the problem was not on permissions for the files,I did a separate brand new joomla instalation on another folder and it worked just fine, I could access the website and I also could login to admin page, then I changed the config file to connect to the joomla I'm trying to move and now I find myself again unable to login :/

I think the problem is on the DB however I already tried searching for specific paths but no luck

Does anyone has another Idea?

thanks in advance :)


Avinash picture Avinash · Jan 21, 2010

Try to change following variable in your local configuration file with you local values.

var $offline = '0';
var $log_path = 'Your local joomla path\logs';
var $tmp_path = 'Your local joomla path\tmp';
var $live_site = 'local url will be here';
var $dbtype = 'mysql';
var $host = 'local db host';
var $user = 'DB user for local';
var $db = 'Db name for local';
var $dbprefix = 'DB prefix whatever you have set, by default jos_';
var $password = 'your DB password for local';