Content of article not showing

nth picture nth · Jan 6, 2013 · Viewed 11.3k times · Source

I have a menu item that links to an article, I have the menu item shown in the page, but then the user clicks onto the link, it will only show the title of the article but not the content. I am not sure, what exactly is happening.

I checked the source of html, nope the content isnot there. although the content is there in the database. I ran the degbug mode, but it will give the correct article, only it wouldnt render the content.

One of the menu which was there from beginning acts as required but if I add any menuitems and article, I wont see the content.


bnp887 picture bnp887 · Dec 12, 2013

I had this problem, this is what solved it (using Joomla 3.2):

  1. Clicked Extensions -> Template Manager to go to 'Template Manager: Styles'
  2. Clicked on the style being used by the pages that did not show content, for me 'yoo_master - Default'
  3. Under the profiles Tab, in the Content section I changed 'System Output' to 'Yes'

Then page content started showing again.