Top "Jodatime" questions

Joda-Time provides a quality replacement for the Java date and time classes.

How to calculate elapsed time from now with Joda-Time?

I need to calculate the time elapsed from one specific date till now and display it with the same format …

java algorithm datetime grails jodatime
Converting Unix timestamp to String with Joda Time

When trying to convert a Unix timstamp, from a database, to a String in a date format. int _startTS = evtResult.…

java jodatime
Should I use Java date and time classes or go with a 3rd party library like Joda Time?

I'm creating a web based system which will be used in countries from all over the world. One type of …

java date time jodatime
Spring RestTemplate with Jackson as HttpMessageConverter and joda DateTime property fails to deserialize

The scenario is as follows. I have an ObjectMapper (Jackson 2) that registers a JodaModule, capable of serializing and de-serializing Joda …

spring jackson jodatime jackson-modules
How to calculate difference between two dates in years...etc with Joda-Time

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.joda.time.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] …

java date time jodatime
How to subtract two joda datetimes?

I know this isn't "the way it's supposed to work", but still: If you have two DateTime objects, what's a …

java datetime jodatime
How do I obtain the number of days within a given month using Joda-Time?

30 days hath September, April, June and November, All the rest have 31, Excepting February alone (And that has 28 days clear, With 29 …

java datetime jodatime
How do you get the date/time range for "today" using the Joda date/time library in Java?

Assuming this is how you get the current time in Joda time: DateTime now = new DateTime(); How do you calculate …

java datetime jodatime
JodaTime equivalent of DateUtils.truncate()

I have never used JodaTime before, but answering this question, How to get ordinal Weekdays in a Month. I tried …

java jodatime
Converting java.sql.Date & java.util.Date to org.joda.time.LocalDate

I am trying to carefully and meticulously clean up some of my older (production) code. One thing I am trying …

java sql jodatime sql-date-functions