Combining Quartz.Net with UI

Dheyvendaran picture Dheyvendaran · Sep 18, 2012 · Viewed 17.6k times · Source

I have been working on MVC3 project. I have just created Sample email sending job with Quartz.Net in my application. This time, I need to build a job scheduling system in my MVC3 project. The scenario is completely based on UI. It means, the users of the system have to enter the scheduling frequencies like, Defining a Job, Schedule time through the UI. I tried Quartz.Net 2.0.1. I dont have any idea that combining Quartz.Net with UI for scheduling.

Is there any possibilities to attach a scheduler with UI. Please suggest me how can i do this.



LeftyX picture LeftyX · Sep 19, 2012

there are a few open source projects which can help you.

ASP.NET MVC applications:

Quartz.Net Admin


Quartz.Net Web Console

Crystal Quartz (it doesn't schedule jobs)

Quartzmin (create and schedule jobs )

Windows Forms
