JMockit is a java framework for mocking objects in JUnit testing.
I am getting the below exception when I try to run a simple jMockit/JUnit test using IBM JDK. Has …
unit-testing junit jmockitI have a problem while using jmockit for the following scenario. Did a research on the web, but couldn't locate …
jmockit private-methods partial-mocksI have a class It has 2 public methods update(), fetch() In the actual update() implementation I make a …
java unit-testing junit jmockit jmock@Mocked Provider provider; public static class Provider { public static List<Integer> getStaticList() { return new ArrayList<>(); } public …
java jmockitThis is from the official JMockit Tutorial: @Test public void doSomethingHandlesSomeCheckedException() throws Exception { new Expectations() { DependencyAbc abc; { abc.stringReturningMethod(); returns("…
java unit-testing junit jmockit