How to get all sprints in project using JIRA REST API

phani picture phani · Jun 14, 2016 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

Is there anything something like "", to retrieve all the sprints in a project.

JIRA platform api can retrieve projects info and JIRA software API can retrieve sprints for a given board. But i need sprints for any given project (combination) or atleast boards for a given project so that i can retrieve sprints in those boards later


Carlos picture Carlos · Aug 4, 2016

You can do it but with two resources:

  • First you can get all the scrum boards of the project with this:

  • Use the query parameters projectKeyOrId and type to filter them.

  • Iterate all the elements and use the url below with the id of each board to get its sprints:{boardId}/sprint-getAllSprints