JQL to retrieve all stories and sub tasks related to specific epic

pele88 picture pele88 · Feb 8, 2016 · Viewed 16.9k times · Source

Is it possible to use raw JQL (not using any plugins) to filter for ALL stories AND their respective sub-tasks?

Currently, I have the following which successfully retrieves all stories for EPIC-123:

project = PROJ1 AND "Epic Link" = EPIC-123 AND issuetype = Story ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC

However, I also want the sub-tasks related to those stories. So I thought this would work:

project = PROJ1 AND "Epic Link" = EPIC-123 AND (issuetype = Story OR issuetype = Sub-task) ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC

But this only returns the stories.

I think this is because JIRA reads this as "Retrieve sub-tasks for EPIC-123" (which is 0) as opposed to "Retrieve sub-tasks for stories in EPIC-123".

I also thought about using issue in (linkedIssues(AAA-###)) but I imagine this will involve programatically looping through all the stories that are returned in the above query. Which seems ridiculous and probably not possible.

Would rather not go down a plugin path but open to suggestions. Thanks!


enterbios picture enterbios · Aug 27, 2018

As of 13 January 2017, Jira Cloud support parentEpic that does exactly what you are asking for. You can use it like:

parentEpic = EPIC-123

and this will find the EPIC-123 itself, plus all the issues assigned to the epic and their sub-tasks.