How to integrate Jira with GitLab CE?

fifth picture fifth · May 26, 2015 · Viewed 22.1k times · Source

We have self hosted GitLab CE and Jira, we want

  • link git commit with jira issue
  • link git commit with jira issue status, like we can start/move/close issue by git issues
  • limit above operations on specific branches, e.g., change issue status only when commits on master branch since we perform merge request for every single feature/bug

but only GitLab EE built-in supports Jira integration, how could I do that for GitLab CE?

I'm on GitLab CE 7.8.2, Jira+Agile 6.4


S.Spieker picture S.Spieker · Apr 21, 2017

I think there is now a better way:

GitLab can be configured to interact with JIRA. Configuration happens via user name and password. Connecting to a JIRA server via CAS is not possible.

Each project can be configured to connect to a different JIRA instance, see the configuration section. If you have one JIRA instance you can pre-fill the settings page with a default template. To configure the template see the Services Templates document.

Once the project is connected to JIRA, you can reference and close the issues in JIRA directly from GitLab.