Top "Jersey" questions

Jersey is the open source, production quality, JAX-RS (JSR 311, JSR 339) Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services.

How to set the connection and read timeout with Jersey 2.x?

In jersey 1 we had a function setConnectTimeout in the class com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client. In jersey 2 the javax.…

java jersey
RESTful on Play! framework

We are planning a project primarily serving content to mobile apps, but need to have a website. My question is …

java rest jersey restlet playframework
RESTEasy or Jersey?

I have a requirement for RESTFul webservices. It is up to my team to decide whether to go with Jersey …

web-services rest jersey resteasy
Jersey - The @Context annotation for injection. How does it work?

I was looking at a good REST tutorial using Jersey. Down the page, there is a web resource that is …

java rest jersey
FileUpload with JAX-RS

I try to do file upload from a JavaScript client to a JAX-RS Java server. I use the following REST …

java rest grails jersey jax-rs
Consuming JSON object in Jersey service

I've been Googling my butt off trying to find out how to do this: I have a Jersey REST service. …

json jersey
Java REST implementation: Jersey vs CXF

What do you think is the advantages/disadvantages between this two libraries? Which of these two are best suited for …

java web-services rest cxf jersey
User authentication on a Jersey REST service

I am developing a REST application, which is using the Jersey framework. I would like to know how I can …

java http authentication jersey
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error in simple REST based program. Confused in GET and POST while receiving/sending response from server

I am implementing a basic client server architecture using REST services for the first time. This time I making it …

java rest glassfish jersey

I try to start application but using Tomcat 7 and I've got an exception like this. I think this can be …

jersey jax-rs abstractmethoderror