Jenkins install plugins offline

Robert van Gangelen picture Robert van Gangelen · Oct 9, 2018 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source

Installed Jenkins on a Linux server and want to install some plugins manually.

I want to install Blue Ocean and Artifactory.

For both plugins I downloaded the hpi file and tried to install it, but I get a lot of dependency errors.

Do I now have to install those dependencies manually as well? or is there a better way to do this?

I tried to install one of those dependency and that one also had some dependency errors as well :-(

The Linux server is not able to access the internet.




Andrew Gray picture Andrew Gray · Oct 11, 2018

You are correct that BlueOcean has a lot of dependencies.

Given you are not able to connect to the internet you will need to download all 21 BlueOcean related hpi files and upload them from the Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced tab.

Alternatively, if you have access to the server that your Jenkins instance is running on you can copy the hpi files into the %JENKINS_HOME%/plugins folder. The corresponding directories (exploded from the hpi, which is just a zip file) will be created on Jenkins restart.

The easiest way to acquire all 21 plugin files is to open The Jenkins plugin page and search for blueocean. Download the same numbered version of all 21 and upload them one by one. Order shouldn't be an issue. As long as they are all present on restart the dependencies will resolve.

Same process goes for any other plugin. If you're able to get the machine connected to the internet it will make the process a lot simpler as you will be able to use the update center, which manages dependencies and update notifications.