We were having 2 FreeStyle projects on Jenkins:
One to generate builds(daily builds+manual builds), one other to execute tests.
We are moving to a Multibranch pipeline on jenkins, so my understanding is that we have one project per repository, and that we should use options to have different behavior.
So I can create parameters, to indicate if we want to run the tests, if we want to build the setups, that part I'm ok with it.
My issue is that I need that by default, the tests are NOT executed(because they take a lot of time to generate, and I don't want that developers can by mistake just let the "Execute tests" option checked.
And I need that this option is checked when executing the daily build in the night.
So 2 questions:
You can create a separate multi-branch job that will run by schedule and trigger your main job overriding all necessary parameters. It will look something like this
pipeline {
agent any
triggers {
pollSCM('0 0 * * *')
stages {
stage('Triggering the main job') {
steps {
build job: "main/${BRANCH_NAME.replace('/', '%2F')}",
parameters: [string(name: 'RUN_TESTS', value: 'true')]
You should put this file along with your main Jenkinsfile
in the repository and configure a separate multi-branch pipeline job to use this file.