In Jenkins scripted pipeline you can set PATH env variable like this :
node {
git url: ''
withEnv(["PATH+MAVEN=${tool 'M3'}/bin"]) {
sh 'mvn -B verify'
Notice the PATH+MAVEN as explained here :
A list of environment variables to set, each in the form VARIABLE=value or VARIABLE= to unset variables otherwise defined. You may also use the syntax PATH+WHATEVER=/something to prepend /something to $PATH.
But I didn't find how to do it in declarative pipeline using environment syntax (as explained here :
environment {
DB_ENGINE = 'sqlite'
Ideally I would like to update the PATH to use custom tools for all my stages.
It is possible with environment
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker' }
environment {
PATH = "/hot/new/bin:$PATH"
stages {
stage ('build') {
steps {
echo "PATH is: $PATH"
See this answer for info.