The groovy syntax generator is NOT working for sample step properties: Set Job Properties
. I've selected Discard old builds
and then entered 10
in the Max # of builds to keep
field and then Generate Groovy
and nothing shows up.
Jenkins version: 2.7
As for declarative syntax, you can use the options
pipeline {
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '30', artifactNumToKeepStr: '30'))
Parameters for logRotator
(from the source code):
: history is only kept up to this days.numToKeepStr
: only this number of build logs are kept.artifactDaysToKeepStr
: artifacts are only kept up to this days.artifactNumToKeepStr
: only this number of builds have their artifacts kept.More information can be found in Cloudbees knowledge base and in the docs for options