I am using Ansible for provision our servers, I installed the Jenkins 2.0 but it is becomeing with a startup configuration when I open the web UI. How can I do it with Ansible or shell or jenkins-cli. CentOS 7, Ansible So,
The 5,6,7 points are all the startup config of the new Jenkins. I haven't idea how we can install it autmatically.
Edit 1:
The 1,2,3 point is already done, just I didn't share because it is not necessary, because I only need an advice how can I configure the Jenkins. But now I add it to my question.
- name: Jenkins - install | Install java
yum: name=java state=installed
- name: Jenkins - install | Install Jenkins 2.0
yum: pkg=http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat-rc/jenkins-2.0-1.1.noarch.rpm state=installed
- name: Jenkins - install | Start and enable Jenkins 2.0
service: name=jenkins state=started enabled=yes
You can create an initialization script (in groovy) to add an admin account.
Script should be present in $JENKINS_HOME/init.groovy.d/*.groovy
See Jenkins CI Wiki for more details.
Here's an example.
import java.util.logging.Level
import java.util.logging.Logger
import hudson.security.*
import jenkins.model.*
def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
def logger = Logger.getLogger(Jenkins.class.getName())
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Ensuring that local user '{{ jenkins.admin_username }}' is created.")
if (!instance.isUseSecurity()) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Creating local admin user '{{ jenkins.admin_username }}'.")
def strategy = new FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy()
def hudsonRealm = new HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm(false)
hudsonRealm.createAccount("{{ jenkins.admin_username }}", "{{ jenkins.admin_password }}")
How to use in Ansible playbook:
- name: Create initialization scripts directory
file: path={{ jenkins.home }}/init.groovy.d
- name: Add initialization script to setup basic security
template: src=security.groovy.j2
dest={{ jenkins.home }}/init.groovy.d/security.groovy
I was inspired by this GitHub reposiotry.