I have followed the steps to run jenkins as a window service . Followed from URL : https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Installing+Jenkins+as+a+Windows+service
But jenkins is not starting as a window service. When i did some research i found that the problem is with following jenkins.xml file.
Attached as an image.jenkins.xml snapshot
When i change this java keyword to specific jdk path (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\java.exe) it works but without this jenkins service not started.
So just wanted to know what is exact meaning of java word inside executable tag?
When jenkins runs as a service, it doesn't run as the current user, but usually as SYSTEM user, so it gets a different PATH environment. Its described here in the first paragraph.
You can change the Logon Account used by the Service to your own user in the service's configuration options.