Top "Jenkins-job-dsl" questions

Jenkins Job-DSL is a Jenkins plugin which enables the creation of Jenkins Jobs using Groovy scripts.

How to access list of Jenkins job parameters from within a JobDSL script?

I would like to save the parameters passed into a JobDSL job. I know I can refer to individual parameters …

jenkins jenkins-job-dsl
Jenkins: groovy DSL: using the ternary operator to distinguish between FreeStyleJob and MatrixJob

I am trying to write a groovy-dsl script for Jenkins to generate two jobs: The first job is a FreestyleJob …

jenkins groovy ternary-operator jenkins-job-dsl groovydsl
Trigger build in Jenkins when git branches are created or deleted

I have a job in Jenkins for a project on GitHub, that I would like to be triggered whenever a …

git jenkins jenkins-job-dsl
Initializing Jenkins 2.0 with pipeline in init.groovy.d script

For automation, I would like to initialize a Jenkins 2.0 instance with a pipeline job. I want to create a Groovy …

jenkins groovy jenkins-pipeline jenkins-workflow jenkins-job-dsl
How to load AWS credentials in Jenkins job DSL?

I have the following DSL structure: freeStyleJob { wrappers { credentialsBinding { [ $class:"AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding", accessKeyVariable: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", credentialsId: "your-credential-id", secretKeyVariable: "AWS_…

amazon-web-services jenkins groovy credentials jenkins-job-dsl