Single deployment for all test cases in Arquillian

Ranu Jain picture Ranu Jain · Apr 20, 2013 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

We are using arquillian-junit-container 1.0.0 final version for Junit Test.

We have so many test classes and every test class as @Deployment method so when i run all test together then its creating issue of memory and performance.

Can anyone help me to sort out this issue by telling how we can avoid multiple deployment for each single class. How we can achive Single deployment for all test cases in Arquillian?


Ryan Bennetts picture Ryan Bennetts · Sep 18, 2014

You can't, officially, yet.

The JIRA issue ARQ-197 was created to support running multiple tests classes against a single deployment. In 2010! If you want this feature, please vote for it.

This is Arquillian's most voted for issue. It's currently slated for version 2.0.0.CR1, which might be the next version, but I can't find a roadmap / release plan anywhere which confirms this.

In the meantime, there is the Arquillian Suite Extension (latest incarnation is here). It's not official, and so there are limitations, but the original codebase was written by one of the Arquillian core developers to prove they could eventually support JUnit suites. The issue to make this support official is here and is Arquillian's second-most voted issue.