I have a lot of endpoints annotated with @WebService(targetNamespace = "mynamespace")
. Every @WebResult
and @WebParam
has the same definition of targetNamespace = "mynamespace"
Is there a way to configure JAX-WS (Metro implementation) to use "mynamespace"
as targetNamespace by default?
I would like to use the annotations without any attributes and get rid of the duplicate declarations, just like convention over configuration.
Only put the targetNamespace
in the service endpoint interface or service implementation
* Annotated Implementation Object
name = "CustomerService",
targetNamespace = "http://org.company.services"
public class CustomerService {
public CustomerRecord locateCustomer(
@WebParam(name="FirstName") String firstName,
@WebParam(name="LastName") String lastName,
@WebParam(name="Address") USAddress addr) {
If @WebResult
or @WebParam
have no targetNamespace
, the default is
the targetNamespace
the Web Service.
In another hand, you can avoid the all annotations and only use the @WebService
if you don't need something custom with JAX-B.
See more in JSR-181 Web Services Metadata for the JavaTM Platform