Embedding youtube video "Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options"

Srikan picture Srikan · Mar 30, 2012 · Viewed 52.3k times · Source

I'm trying to embed a youtube video on to my page once the user gives the link to the video.

<iframe width=\'560\' height=\'315\' src='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<video id>&amp;output=embed' frameborder=\'0\' allowfullscreen></iframe>

But when I try to add this I get this error. After inspecting the page in chrome, I see this error in the console tab

"Refused to display document because of the display is forbidden by X-Frame-Options"

I'm not able to see the video even in IE and Firefox also

I even tried adding the

 header('X-Frame-Options:Allow-From http://www.youtube.com'); 
 &amp;output=embed to the url

After reading certain solutions in other posts.

But I still get the same error.

I also see that the youtube has the method of object embedding to show the video, but already youtube has made that as old method of embedding the video. So I want to use the new iframe method of embedding the video on to my page.

Problem is seen in

  • Firefox 11
  • Chrome 18.0
  • IE 8

Anybody faced this problem?


duskwuff -inactive- picture duskwuff -inactive- · Mar 30, 2012

The page you're setting as the source of the iframe (the Youtube /watch page) doesn't want to be embedded in your page. You cannot force it to let you do that.

The correct URL to embed is of the form:
