What does ExtJS ComboBox triggerAction: "all" really do?

Rene Saarsoo picture Rene Saarsoo · Jun 12, 2009 · Viewed 18.8k times · Source

I tried to create a simple ComboBox:

var combo1 = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
  store: [1,2,3],
  renderTo: document.body

But written this way it acts strangely:

  • When you first time pop open the dropdown, it offers three choices.
  • You choose one.
  • But when you after that try to change your selection, the dropdown only offers one choice - the one you previously selected.

I compared my code to the samples on Ext homepage and discovered that adding triggerAction: "all" solves my problem:

var combo2 = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
  triggerAction: "all",
  store: [1,2,3],
  renderTo: document.body

ExtJS documentation for triggerAction doesn't tell me a lot:

The action to execute when the trigger is clicked. Use 'all' to run the query specified by the allQuery config option (defaults to 'query')

I haven't specified the allQuery option. Actually, I don't want to perform a query to the server at all.

So what does this triggerAction really do?

And is setting it to "all" really what I should do when I just want a simple static combobox?


Brian Moeskau picture Brian Moeskau · Jun 12, 2009

After choosing an item, the list is filtered to match the current text value. In your case, it's always exactly the chosen value, but is more obvious with multi-character values (see the state names example in Ext). If you delete the selected value, the dropdown will go back to having all values. triggerAction:'all' means do not filter, always show all values.