ASP.NET confirm before executing codebehind

Sara picture Sara · Mar 23, 2012 · Viewed 74.4k times · Source

I have a form where a user can delete a record, and I want a pop-up message where the user has to click okay to confirm the delete.

Delete button:

<asp:Button ID="btnDelete" runat="server" Text="Delete" UseSubmitBehavior="false" OnClick="btnDelete_Click" OnClientClick="confirmation();" />

Confirmation function:

function confirmation() {
        var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete? This action cannot be undone.")

So right now, clicking the delete button executes the btnDelete_Click Sub in the code behind regardless of whether you click okay or cancel in the pop-up box. I know I can add if (answer) { -- some code here -- } in my javascript function, but is it possible to use javascript to execute code from the codebehind? Or is there another way to do this?


Thit Lwin Oo picture Thit Lwin Oo · Mar 23, 2012

Please try as follows. You have to return the result of the confirmation function (true or false).

    OnClientClick="return confirmation();" />


function confirmation() {
    return confirm("Are you sure you want to delete?");