Set document.getElementById to variable

Bret Thomas picture Bret Thomas · Mar 21, 2012 · Viewed 9.2k times · Source

The following works:

    $ = document.form;
    x = $.name.value;

This doesn't:

    $ = document.getElementById;
    x = $("id").value;

Any ideas on why this doesn't work or how to make it so?


Quentin picture Quentin · Mar 21, 2012

The value of this depends on how you call the function.

When you call document.getElementById then getElementById gets this === document. When you copy getElementById to a different variable and then call it as $ then this === window (because window is the default variable).

This then causes it to look for the id in the window object instead of in the document object, and that fails horribly because windows aren't documents and don't have the same methods.

You need to maintain the document in the call. You can use a wrapper functions for this e.g.

function $ (id) { return document.getElementById(id); }

… but please don't use $. It is a horrible name. It has no meaning and it will confuse people who see it and think "Ah! I know jQuery!" or "Ah! I know Prototype" or etc etc.