How to force a script reload and re-execute?

Jonathan M picture Jonathan M · Mar 10, 2012 · Viewed 193.6k times · Source

I have a page that is loading a script from a third party (news feed). The src url for the script is assigned dynamically on load up (per third party code).

<div id="div1287">
    <!-- dynamically-generated elements will go here. -->

<script id="script0348710783" type="javascript/text">

<script type="javascript/text">

The script loaded from http://oneBigHairyURL then creates and loads elements with the various stuff from the news feed, with pretty formatting, etc. into div1287 (the Id "div1287" is passed in http://oneBigHairyURL so the script knows where to load the content).

The only problem is, it only loads it once. I'd like it to reload (and thus display new content) every n seconds.

So, I thought I'd try this:

<div id="div1287">
    <!-- dynamically-generated elements will go here. -->

<script id="script0348710783" type="javascript/text">

<script type="javascript/text">
    loadItUp=function() {
        var divElement = document.getElementById('div1287');
        var scrElement = document.getElementById('script0348710783');

        setTimeout(loadItUp, 10000);

I get the alert, the div clears, but no dynamically-generated HTML is reloaded to it.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Kelly picture Kelly · Mar 10, 2012

How about adding a new script tag to <head> with the script to (re)load? Something like below:

   function load_js()
      var head= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
      var script= document.createElement('script');
      script.src= 'source_file.js';

The main point is inserting a new script tag -- you can remove the old one without consequence. You may need to add a timestamp to the query string if you have caching issues.