jquery next siblings

Contra picture Contra · Jun 4, 2009 · Viewed 18.5k times · Source

I've been trying to get this problem solved, but I can't seem to figure it out without some serious workarounds.

if I have the following HTML:

    <li class="parent"> headertext </li>
    <li> text </li>
    <li> text </li>
    <li> text </li>
    <li class="parent"> headertext </li>
    <li> text </li>
    <li> text </li>

Now, how do I now just select the <li> tags following the first parent (or second, for that matter)? Basically selecting an <li> with class="parent" and the following siblings until it reaches another <li> with the parent class.

I could restructure the list with nested lists, but I don't want to do that. Any suggestions?


The Merovingian picture The Merovingian · Aug 11, 2010

actually, you can easily do this using nextUntil(). no need to write your own "nextUntil" since it already exists.

ex. -


or as suggested by Vincent -
