There were many similar questions around but none addressed this calculation. Using javascript i it is easy to find the number of milliseconds diff b/w 2 dates for ex:
var mil = Math.floor(new Date("1/1/2012") - new Date("1/7/2012"))
is assigned 518400000
to get weeks i would do below
var weeks = mil / (1000*7*24*60*60);
in the above example it exactly fits 1
week. For other possible inputs i would like to get output as ex:
n Weeks, y days , z hours
So i did mil % (1000*7*24*3600)
to get the modulus and from the remainder calculate number of days. but astonishingly this was answer i got from console
1 weeks , 6 days
seems the week calculated before is also accounted for days again.
var seconds = (mil / 1000) | 0;
mil -= seconds * 1000;
var minutes = (seconds / 60) | 0;
seconds -= minutes * 60;
var hours = (minutes / 60) | 0;
minutes -= hours * 60;
var days = (hours / 24) | 0;
hours -= days * 24;
var weeks = (days / 7) | 0;
days -= weeks * 7;
Assuming mils
is non-negative, this leaves mils
in the range [0, 1000), leaves minutes
and seconds
in the range [0, 60), leaves hours
in the range [0, 24), and leaves days
in the range [0, 7).