What's the easiest way to detect if an element has been overflowed?
My use case is, I want to limit a certain content box to have a height of 300px. If the inner content is taller than that, I cut it off with an overflow. But if it is overflowed I want to show a 'more' button, but if not I don't want to show that button.
Is there an easy way to detect overflow, or is there a better method?
The element may be overflown vertically, horizontally or both. This function will return you a boolean value if the DOM element is overflown:
function isOverflown(element) {
return element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight || element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth;
function isOverflown(element) {
return element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight || element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth;
var els = document.getElementsByClassName('demos');
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
var el = els[i];
el.style.borderColor = (isOverflown(el) ? 'red' : 'green');
console.log("Element #" + i + " is " + (isOverflown(el) ? '' : 'not ') + "overflown.");
.demos {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
width: 120px;
border: 3px solid black;
<div class='demos'>This is some text inside the div which we are testing</div>
<div class='demos'>This is text.</div>
ES6 example:
const isOverflown = ({ clientWidth, clientHeight, scrollWidth, scrollHeight }) => {
return scrollHeight > clientHeight || scrollWidth > clientWidth;