I found out that Javascript focus and blur events does not fire correctly on the Android browser, when attached to window, document or body.
I wrote a simple test script which is working correctly on desktop browsers, but fails on Android stock browser, Dolphin, and Opera mobile:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0" />
<title>Focus test</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onfocus = function() {
document.getElementById('console').innerHTML += '<div>Focus event handler fired.</div>';
window.onblur = function() {
document.getElementById('console').innerHTML += '<div>Blur event handler fired.</div>';
<input id="test" name="test" />
<div id="console"></div>
Interesting thing is, that if the form input is getting focus, the event handler fires, and on blur, the blur event handler fires twice.
Does anyone have a good solution or a workaround for this?
EDIT: The expected result would be, that if I change a browser tab, or change to another app, the blur event should fire, and if I go back to the browser tab, the focus event should fire (that's how it works on desktop)
I just tested your code on a Galaxy Nexus running jellybean (all I have) and this code works perfect, and both events only fire once each.
document.getElementById('test').onfocus = function() {
document.getElementById('console').innerHTML += '<div>Focus event handler fired.</div>';
document.getElementById('test').onblur = function() {
document.getElementById('console').innerHTML += '<div>Blur event handler fired.</div>';
Could be that you were targeting the window, which on most mobile devices, cannot normally be "blurred" per-se. Make sure you directly ask the element to report its own blur and focus events.
EDIT: Also, make sure you're waiting for the DOM to be ready before applying event listeners.