How to register window.external.notify event handler in Javascript

Glaxalg picture Glaxalg · Feb 14, 2012 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

I'm trying to use Azure Access Control Service in HTML/JavaScript application. The following code sample is going to display token after authentication against selected identity provider:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function handleData (data){

        document.getElementById('tokenDiv').innerHTML = "Token = " + data;
    function chooseIdentityProvider ( url ){

        document.getElementById('loginFrame').src = url;            
    // HOW TO register notify event handler?    
    window.external.notify = handleData;        
<select name="AvailableProviders" onchange="if (this.selectedIndex) chooseIdentityProvider (this.value)">
    <option value="-1">Select Identity Provider</option>
    <option value="">Windows Live ID</option>  
    <option value="">Google</option>
    <option value="!&">Yahoo!</option>"
<br />
<iframe id="loginFrame" height="200" width="60%" src="" />
<br />
<div id="tokenDiv"></div>

The content of the iFrame is like:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        alert("Error ACS50021: windows.external.Notify is not registered.");

I'm getting error: "Error ACS50021: windows.external.Notify is not registered."

How can I register the notify event handler in the Javascript?


user1731468 picture user1731468 · Oct 24, 2012

Have you enable the allowed url to receive the message, something like this:

            // code needed -> allowed parameter to check all URL
        var unloadFunc = "(function(){ function navigating(){ window.external.notify('%%' + location.href);} window.onbeforeunload=navigating;return location.href;})();";
        var host = wv.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] { unloadFunc });
        wv.AllowedScriptNotifyUris = new[] { new Uri(host) };

wv is the webview element in xaml