I'm translating an encryption function from PHP to JS.
PHP: (Both $y and $z are ASCII characters, so $x is inherently an ASCII oddity.)
$x = ($y ^ $z);
Doing the same in JS results in $x = 0.
I tried:
$x = String.fromCharCode(($y).charCodeAt(0).toString(2) ^ ($z).charCodeAt(0).toString(2));
But it gets to a different result.
You don't need to convert it back to a string. Bitwise operators work on numbers. 1 ^ 3
10 is the same as 1 ^ 11
2 is the same as 1 ^ 10
//this should work for single characters.
x = String.fromCharCode(y.charCodeAt(0) ^ z.charCodeAt(0));