Zepto fallback to jQuery

jos3000 picture jos3000 · Jan 4, 2012 · Viewed 24.2k times · Source

I'm using ZeptoJS for my web app, but I'd like to fall back to jQuery if the browser doesn't support Zepto. Since IE is the only major browser not supported at the moment, I'm tempted to detect IE:

if(navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'){
    // load jquery
} else {
    // load zepto

but I'd prefer to specificly detect Zepto support and use jQuery in other cases. Is there a feature detection way to do this?


phil pirozhkov picture phil pirozhkov · Jan 4, 2012

You can also use JS trick described here to detect whether browser is IE, and use a modern asynchronous script loading library to load the required lib. Yepnope example:

  test: !+"\v1", // IE?
  yep: 'jquery.js',
  nope: 'zepto.js'