How to disable div blocks having a certain id pattern?

user63904 picture user63904 · Jan 4, 2012 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

I would like to write a greasemonkey script to disable a div on a certain page. On any given load of the page I don't know where in the DOM the div will be but I know it's always called <div id = "alertPanel"> ....</div>

How would I go about disabling this div?

My intial thoughts were something along the lines of:

var myDivs= document.getElementsByTagName('div');

for (i=0; i<myDivs.length; i++)

  if (myDivs[i].<get id property somehow> = "alertPanel")
     myDivs[i].style.visibility = 'hidden';

but as you can tell I'm stuck at accessing the id property for an equality check.

Incidently, I'm using a text editor to write this - I guessing that a standard javascript editor would give an autocompletion list after typing in myDivs[i].


T.J. Crowder picture T.J. Crowder · Jan 4, 2012

If it has an id, you can use document.getElementById:

var div = document.getElementById("alertPanel");

Then if it exists, you can either remove it (probably a bad idea) or hide it:

if (div) { = "none"; // Hides it
    // Or
    // div.parentNode.removeChild(div); // Removes it entirely

Update: Re your comment on another answer:

thanks for your answer. Does your statemt apply to a page with iframes too. The div in question is in an iframe. I've tried ypur solution and it didn't work unfortunately. maybe a link to the page will help: the div i want to disable is the one with id: minigamesContainer

If the element is in an iframe, then you have to call getElementById on the document that's in the iframe, since iframes are separate windows and have separate documents. If you know the id of the iframe, you can use document.getElementById to get the iframe instance, and then use contentDocument to access its document, and then use getElementById on that to get the "minigamesContainer" element:

var iframe, div;
iframe = document.getElementById("the_iframe_id");
if (iframe) {
    try {
        div = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("minigamesContainer");
        if (div) {
   = "none";
    catch (e) {

(The try/catch is there because of a potential security error accessing the content of the iframe; I don't know Greasemonkey well enough to know whether the SOP applies to it. I tend to assume it doesn't, but better safe...)

If you don't know the id of the iframe or if it doesn't have one, you can just loop through all of them by getting them with document.getElementsByTagName and then looping:

var iframes, index, iframe, div;
iframes = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
for (index = 0; index < iframes.length; ++index) {
    iframe = iframes[index];
    try {
        div = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("minigamesContainer");
        if (div) {
   = "none";
    catch (e) {
