I have this audio tag playing in the background, and I'm able to store the progress in seconds to a cookie. But in no way I'm able to start the audio from that cookie. (for continuing on other pages)
$("p#sound audio").currentTime = $.cookie("audioTime");
<audio autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" ontimeupdate="document.getElementById('tracktime').innerHTML = Math.floor(this.currentTime); $.cookie('audioTime', Math.floor(this.currentTime));">
<source src="audio/song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<source src="audio/song.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
<span id="tracktime">0</span>
Does this have to do with the song being loaded again from start?
$("p#sound audio").get[0].currentTime
With .get[0], it doesn't work either.
Can someone please clear things up for me? Greatly appreciated!
You need to wait until audio
source loads before you set the current time.
$('audio').bind('canplay', function(){
$(this)[0].currentTime = $.cookie('audioTime');