Is there a way to zip files using JavaScript?? For an example, like in Yahoo mail, when you chose to download all the attachments from an email, it gets zipped and downloaded in a single zip file. Is JavaScript capable of doing that? If so, please provide a coding example.
I found this library called jszip to do the task but it has known and unresolved issues.
How do I solve the problem?
JSZip has been updated over the years. Now you can find it on its GitHub repo
It can be used together with FileSaver.js
You can install them using npm:
npm install jszip --save
npm install file-saver --save
And then import and use them:
import JSZip from 'jszip';
import FileSaver from 'file-saver';
let zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("idlist.txt", `PMID:29651880\r\nPMID:29303721`);
zip.generateAsync({type: "blob"}).then(function(content) {
FileSaver.saveAs(content, "");
Then you will download a zip file called, once you've extracted it, and you can find inside a file called idlist.txt, which has got two lines:
And for your reference, I tested with the following browsers, and all passed: