Multiple audio tracks for HTML5 video

Emphram Stavanger picture Emphram Stavanger · Oct 24, 2011 · Viewed 16.4k times · Source

I'm building a video for my website with HTML5. Ideally, I'd have only one silent video file, and five different audio tracks in different languages that sync up with the video.

Then I'd have a button that allows users to switch between audio tracks, even as the video is playing; and the correct audio track would come to life (without the video pausing or starting over or anything; much like a DVD audio track selection).

I can do this quite simply in Flash, but I don't want to. There has to be a way to do this in pure HTML5 or HTML5+jQuery. I'm thinking you'd play all the audio files at 0 volume, and only increase the volume of the active track... but I don't know how to even do that, let alone handle it when the user pauses or rewinds the video...

Thanks in advance!


Brad picture Brad · Oct 24, 2011

Synchronization between audio and video is far more complex than simply starting the audio and video at the same time. Sound cards will playback at slightly different rates. (What is 44.1 kHz to me, might actually be 44.095 kHz to you.)

Often, the video is synchronized to the audio stream, but the player is what handles this. By loading up multiple objects for playback, you are effectively pulling them out of sync.

The only way this is going to work is if you can find a way to control the different audio streams from the video player. I don't know if this is possible.

Instead, I propose that you encode the video multiple times, with the different streams. You can use FFMPEG for this, and even automate the process, depending on your workflow. Switching among streams becomes a problem, but most video players are robust enough to guess the byte offset in the file, when given the bitrate.

If you only needed two languages, you could simply adjust the balance between a left and right stereo audio channel.