I am trying to get data from a Google Doc Spreadsheet, using javascript and jQuery, in order to do some math with the numbers.
With the next code I got it, for public spreadsheets:
function getdata( key, wid, f )
return $.getJSON(
'//spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/' +
key + '/' + wid + '/public/basic?alt=json-in-script&callback=?',
function( data ){
/* the content of this function is not important to the question */
var entryidRC = /.*\/R(\d*)C(\d*)/;
var retdata = {};
retdata.mat = {};
for( var l in data.feed.entry )
var entry = data.feed.entry[ l ];
var id = entry.id.$t;
var m = entryidRC.exec( id );
var R,C;
if( m != null )
R = new Number( m[ 1 ] );
C = new Number( m[ 2 ] );
var row = retdata.mat[ R ];
if( typeof( row ) == 'undefined' )
retdata.mat[ R ] = {};
retdata.mat[ R ][ C ] = entry.content;
if( typeof( f ) != 'undefined' )
f( retdata )
console.log( retdata );
When tried for private ones, I got the data in XML (using the URL:
'//spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/'+ key + '/' + wid + '/private/basic'
). This test checks also for the availability, the firewall, the permission setup and the login state of the current user.
But adding the last part: ?alt=json-in-script&callback=f
to get the data in JSON, throws an Not found, Error 404. (Also got if only alt=json
is added).
Summary of situation:
public private
XML yes yes
JSON yes Question
The use of JSON against google is described in http://code.google.com/intl/es/apis/gdata/docs/json.html
The use of google spreadsheet api is described in http://code.google.com/intl/es/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/reference.html#WorksheetFeed
Any way to get JSON data of a GDoc SpreadSheet using javascript without make the doc publicly available?
Thanks in advance
"Note: Retrieving a feed without authentication is only supported for published spreadsheets."
Shame, because this would be a very useful feature. As it is, I'm pleased to learn that this is possible at least from published docs.