How can I check if the browser support HTML5 file upload (FormData object)?

laukok picture laukok · Sep 4, 2011 · Viewed 51.6k times · Source

How can I check if the browser support HTML5 file upload (FormData object)?

var fd = new FormData();

Following the answer from this post, but the code does not return correct answer about the browser,

window.onload = function()
 if (!!window.FileReader)
  alert('not supported');

Firefox - supported
Chrome - supported
Opera - supported
Safari - not supported
IE9 - not supported

But the correct browser support should be,

Firefox - supported
Chrome - supported
Opera - not supported
Safari - supported
IE9 - not supported

I have tested the html 5 file upload on Opera and it is not working for sure.

I am sure that safari supports html 5 file upload.


webinista picture webinista · Dec 27, 2011

Try if( window.FormData === undefined ) or if( window.FormData !== undefined ).