I have a simple object (or hash) in Javascript:
var settings = {
link: 'http://example.com',
photo: 'http://photos.com/me.jpg'
I need a copy of it. Is there a settings.clone()
type method that will give me another object with the same attributes? I'm using jQuery, so happy to use a jQuery utility method if one exists.
Yes, extend an empty object with the original one; that way, everything will simply be copied:
var clone = $.extend({}, settings);
Extending some filled object with another, e.g.:
$.extend({a:1}, {b:2})
will return:
{a:1, b:2}
With the same logic:
$.extend({}, {foo:'bar', test:123})
will return:
{foo:'bar', test:123}
i.e. effectively a clone.