Is there a way to filter output in Google Chrome's console?

Jorge Guberte picture Jorge Guberte · Jul 12, 2011 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source

I'm getting a lot of noise from the output of the 3rd party's page i'm currently playing with and i wonder if there's a way to filter the output on the console. Something like Logcat's flags. Is there a way to do that?


I found a way to disable the output that was causing the biggest ammount of noise. I clicked with the right-clicked on the console and then disabled the XMLHttpRequest Logging option. It's not what i wanted, but it's what i needed.


Luca Bonavita picture Luca Bonavita · Jul 31, 2015

You can use regular expressions.

For example to exclude the word browser-sync I use ^((?!browser-sync).)*$.

enter image description here

See also here

Chrome 44.0.2403.125