Right mouse click detection on SVG shape in JavaScript not working

Borys picture Borys · Jul 7, 2011 · Viewed 15.7k times · Source

I need some help with my script in which I would like to detect RMB click.
INFO: finally I want to display my own right-click menu on a dedicated SVG shape, which is displayed with a use of Raphael js lib, I found out that there are many different examples on web, even very simple ones to implement, like with jQuery - but I have to be able to detect wether RMB was clicked or any other.
I have tried (without success on RMB) a following peace of code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="raphael.js"></script>
        window.onload = function() {
            var paper = new Raphael(document.getElementById('canvas_container'), 300, 300);
            var shape = paper.path('m150,150l40,0l0,20l-40,0l0,-20z');
            var fill=shape.attr({fill:'#FFFFFF'});
            fill.click(function (evt){
                if(evt.button == 2) {
                    // right mouse button pressed
                alert("Pressed mouse = " + evt.button.toString());

<!--    <BODY oncontextmenu="return false"> -->
    <div id="canvas_container"></div>

in IE only LMB(0) is detected, in Chrome left(0) and middle(1) and default context menu is displayed, when I disable it inside body tag (as commented-out) context menu is not displayed at all, but I still cannot get the alert with RMB(2),

thank you for all the hints/support, Borys


Phil McCullick picture Phil McCullick · Oct 21, 2011

Looks like SVG elements do not fire the "click" event instead they fire "contextmenu" on right click. I am using d3.js to bind the events, so this worked for me:

.on("contextmenu", function(data, index) {
     //handle right click

     //stop showing browser menu