How to get mouse cursor coordinates in raphaeljs library?
I'm trying something like:
rect.mousemove(function (event) {
thisGrid.Popup.Show(event.layerX, event.layerY, ["clientX:", event.clientX, " clientY:", event.clientY, "\n", "layerX:", event.layerX, "layerY:", event.layerY, "\n",
"pageX:", event.pageX, "pageY:", event.pageY].join(' '));
But all this properties return coordinates relative left upper corner of window or something.
Here is screenshot
I too had this issue a while back. You need to take into account the current div. In my case the div was called canvas. For the co-ordinates I used the following:
posx = e.pageX - $(document).scrollLeft() - $('#canvas').offset().left;
posy = e.pageY - $(document).scrollTop() - $('#canvas').offset().top;
Note: I was also using jQuery too hence the use of $. You can use document.getElementById if you prefer not to use jQuery.