I'm writing a React component which can forward ref to its chilren
I found out that for the return type of the function components, I can use ForwardRefExoticComponent and ForwardRefRenderFunction. But I'm not sure whats the difference between them.
So far, When using ForwardRefExoticComponent, I can extend it while the ForwardRefRenderFunction cannot? I posted a question related to my case here : How to export forwardRef with ForwardRefRenderFunction
If anyone know whats the difference between them and what they do please help me. Because it seems that React team has no document about them (but they are inside react package)
The definition taken from here is
interface ExoticComponent<P = {}> {
* **NOTE**: Exotic components are not callable.
(props: P): (ReactElement|null);
readonly $$typeof: symbol;
interface NamedExoticComponent<P = {}> extends ExoticComponent<P> {
displayName?: string;
interface ForwardRefExoticComponent<P> extends NamedExoticComponent<P> {
defaultProps?: Partial<P>;
propTypes?: WeakValidationMap<P>;
If you write it out you get
interface ForwardRefExoticComponent<P> {
* **NOTE**: Exotic components are not callable.
(props: P): (ReactElement|null);
readonly $$typeof: symbol;
displayName?: string;
defaultProps?: Partial<P>;
propTypes?: WeakValidationMap<P>;
The definition taken from here is
interface ForwardRefRenderFunction<T, P = {}> {
(props: PropsWithChildren<P>, ref: ((instance: T | null) => void) | MutableRefObject<T | null> | null): ReactElement | null;
displayName?: string;
// explicit rejected with `never` required due to
// https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/36826
* defaultProps are not supported on render functions
defaultProps?: never;
* propTypes are not supported on render functions
propTypes?: never;
does not support propTypes
and defaultProps
, whereas ForwardRefExoticComponent
has an additional member $$typeof
of type symbol
takes a props
object, which must include a member children
and a ref object as parameters, whereas the call signature of ForwardRefExoticComponent
only takes a props object of arbitrary shape as parameter.The interplay of those two definitions is best seen in the definition of the forwardRef
function forwardRef<T, P = {}>(render: ForwardRefRenderFunction<T, P>): ForwardRefExoticComponent<PropsWithoutRef<P> & RefAttributes<T>>;
Also, a big difference between the two definitions seems to be, that ForwardRefExoticComponent
(like all exotic components) are no function components, but actually just objects, which are treated specially when rendering them. Therefore the comment
NOTE: Exotic components are not callable.
And for some reason, those exotic components are necessary in some places.