How to set selectedIndex of select element using display text?

dpp picture dpp · Jun 2, 2011 · Viewed 229.9k times · Source

How to set selectedIndex of select element using display text as reference?


<input id="AnimalToFind" type="text" />
<select id="Animals">
    <option value="0">Chicken</option>
    <option value="1">Crocodile</option>
    <option value="2">Monkey</option>
<input type="button" onclick="SelectAnimal()" />

<script type="text/javascript">
    function SelectAnimal()
        //Set selected option of Animals based on AnimalToFind value...

Is there any other way to do this without a loop? You know, I'm thinking of a built-in JavaScript code or something. Also, I don't use jQuery...


Jacob Relkin picture Jacob Relkin · Jun 2, 2011

Try this:

function SelectAnimal() {
    var sel = document.getElementById('Animals');
    var val = document.getElementById('AnimalToFind').value;
    for(var i = 0, j = sel.options.length; i < j; ++i) {
        if(sel.options[i].innerHTML === val) {
           sel.selectedIndex = i;